Path of the Healer

2-Year Program meeting monthly for full day sessions.

Pre-requisite: Well-established shamanic journey skills.

To be informed of when this program launches, sign up on the email list.

A Healer is a Door

She carves out a portal, nails the braces, makes sure it’s steady and then gets out of the way. The door of herself, the fabric of the worlds around her, mundane and cosmic, her desire for goodness and the will of the precious one seeking healing.

She is the hollow bone as the unnameable rushes through her and like a dance, the unnameable forms itself into a hollow bone to entreat her passage to the other realms. 

She is one with all things and beings. When she smiles, the world smiles with her.

– Tasara

Curriculum will include but not be limited to the following

Extraction Healing

Come enter an initiation into the method of healing called Extraction, when localized energy intrusions are removed from the body with the help of a guiding and compassionate spirit.

This is an ancient practice of returning displaced energies to source.
Of bringing the natural world back into balance.
Of freeing up personal energy in order to live more fully.
Of working intimately with your helping spirits.
This is the first method of healing training that Tasara offers to students on the healer’s path and will be a prerequisite to learning other forms such as Soul Retreival and Compassionate Depossession.

Sometimes intrusions of energy can enter our bodies, causing us harm. This can be caused by simply being too open to our environment and picking up toxic energy forms in the world around us. It can also be caused by specific things like recieving the directed energies/emotions of someone else, another person putting “hooks” in us or someone sending us ill will.

Some of the symptoms of an intrusion can be physical illness, lethargy, emotional imbalance, obsession with another person, pain in one part of the body or having one’s energy body put out of alignment.

This energy, by itself is not malevolent. It is misplaced or misdirected and needs to be returned to its source, allowing balance and healing to be restored for our clients. Extraction healing will remove such an intrusion.

It is important to remember that most of the time in our culture, people are not aware of when they are causing energetic harm to others. There is no place for blame or punishment in this work – only healing for all parties involved. We will be looking at the causes and remedy of intrusion as well as how some of our own behaviors may cause intrusions in others.

This is truly a work of partnership between the helping spirits and ourselves, standing in our strongest selves. This partnership is a beautiful, nourishing and ever-evolving relationship that has no end. It extends to our clients, the people that come to us with such trust that they lie down and open their energetic fields for us to be able to help them.

What a blessed thing when one human avails themselves to the spirits of compassion for the good of another.

Soul Retrieval

Soul Retrieval is a life-changing, powerful form of healing that requires great responsibility and commitment on the part of the spirit practitioner.

This is the second method of healing training that Tasara offers to students on the healer’s path and will be a prerequisite to learning Compassionate Depossession. Before taking this class you must have developed strong relationships with your helping spirits and the ability to distinguish between your own wishes and the messages of your spirit guides.

If you meet the requirements and are interested, please contact Tasara. When we have a group, we will find some dates.

This is truly a work of partnership between the helping spirits and ourselves, standing in our strongest selves. This partnership is a beautiful, nourishing and ever-evolving relationship that has no end. It extends to our clients, the people that come to us with such trust that they lie down and open their energetic fields for us to be able to help them.

What a blessed thing when one human avails themselves to the spirits of compassion for the good of another.

Soul-Releasing: Compassionate Depossession

Advanced Coursework for the Spiritwork Healer

Spirit Possession occurs when a soul that was not able to cross over after death finds itself a home in a living person’s body. When this happens, both the living person and the lost soul suffer. Symptoms of possesion can be lethargy, addiction, exaggerated emotions, illness and other forms of overshadowing that the living host may or may not be aware of. The soul may be confused, may be still in the emotional state he/she was in at the time of death or may be very aware of the situation.

Soul Releasing, or Compassionate Depossession, is a loving process of allowing the light to unfold for the suffering being, to allow the heart light of the suffering being to unfold from inside them as well. During this proceses, contact is made with the soul’s personal guardians and a bridge is opened for them to truly go into the light, to return home and start their soul path’s new incarnation.

This initiatory training will teach students spiritual protection as well as methods for compassionate depossession. Areas that will be covered are:

  • Becoming steeped in the experience of your own divine self and your personal protector spirits.
  • Establishing and deepening relationships with the helping spirits specific to this work.
  • Creating a strong sacred space in order to contain this work and open portals to the otherworlds in order for a soul to be released.
  • Building a rapport with both your client and the suffering being that is living with them.
  • Tracking the divine light that resides in all suffering beings, in order to compassionately bring them to release and freedom
  • Working with the helping spirits to restore and repair your client’s personal energetic field after the healing.
  • Grounding your client with good aftercare and recommendations for further work if the spirits suggest.
  • Managing potential intrustions of suffering beings who are attracted to your ability to help them cross over.

Prerequisite: A deep and practiced “shamanic” or soul journey knowledge. Must have strong relationships with one’s compassionate guides. Must be journeying in the style taught in the Basic training by the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, which entails journeying to the Upper/Lower worlds to work with your totems and helping spirit guides.



Holding Safe, Sacred Space For Your Clients

This is an exploratory course for new and old healers alike. It will entail reading, reflections, discussion, demonstration and practice.

Topics covered:

  • Deep listening
  • Empathy
  • Respectful Boundaries
  • Ethics

and more.

I am slowly rebuilding my curriculum after earning a Masters in Instructional Design through the University of Massachusetts, Boston. There will be a new, hybrid eLearning/in-person program in 2024 based on updated, relevant pedagogy.

Courses currently offered.

To be notified when more launch, sign up on the email list.
To engage with me for 1:1 spiritual mentoring, contact me directly.