Path of the Dark Night

Advanced Path of the Bard: The Raven Circle

No one can walk through the dark night of the soul for us. But we can walk beside each other. We can learn tools to help us navigate our personal journeys. We can hold space for our grief and pain. We can celebrate each other when we find the gold in caves.

This is a year-and-a-day circle that meets monthly for an entire day, ending in an initiation that you help create.

Pre-requisite: Journey skills, Path of the Bard (concurrent is ok)

Topics Covered

Topics not limited to the following:

Tools in Recovering
Seeing What Is
Elements of Obsession
Abuse from Narcissism
Grieving and Letting Go

Authenticity in Relationships
Healthy Boundaries
Returning Soul Parts to our Loved Ones
Releasing Cords

True Self and Sovereignty
Path of Moderation

Societal curses
Oppression of choice
Body Shaming and the Beauty Industry
Our Relationship to Media
Original sin

Disclaimer: This is not a space for mental health processing, but rather a circle to explore our inherent divine strength and learn new tools of survival. We are focused on revelation and mutual support. Tasara is not a mental health professional and is not responsible for any breaks or upsets as a result of your personal exploration.