
Shamanic Healing, Spiritual Mentoring and Apprenticeship

Shamanic Healing: Remote Sessions Available

To heal is to be whole.

Spiritual illness can be caused by a loss of vital energy or soul part. It can also be caused by an intrusion of something that does not belong with us. Sometimes we are caught in a tangle of energy that needs untangling. Most times, spiritual illnesses have explainable causes, such as abuse and trauma.

A healing ceremony may provide a restoration of energy or soul. It may be an extraction of harmful energy. Always, there is a teaching presented in how to prevent spiritual trauma from happening again. Here are some ways a healing ceremony might look.

The spiritual practitioner does not diagnose. Instead, she seeks advice from the Spirits of Kindness.

Shamanic Journey conducted on your behalf. I can help you frame your question if you need it. The journey can be emailed or delivered via phone/zoom.

Custom Ceremony/Ritual

Including weddings, divorce, death, initiations, graduation, preparation for motherhood, croning, coming of age, new chapter letting go..

Spiritual Mentoring

Spiritual mentoring is for those who seek to find clarity in their spiritual path or spiritual experience they have had.

It can be one or two unstructured sessions  or it can be more.


 A year and a day commitment

Apprenticeship is for those who are ready to commit to the spirit path as a life path.

Monthly sessions with spiritual assignments for each month, created together, customized for your inner cosmology and personal challenges.

Session Logistics and Rates

I am available for sessions on the weekends. Fees for mentoring and healing ceremony are on a sliding scale from $75-$150/hr. Please choose what is appropriate for your income before you come so you are not confused when the session is over.

Consultation for ceremony leaders and healers discounted at $50. Thank you for your service.

Shamanic Journey conducted on your behalf for $50.

Sessions are remote (zoom) or if you have seen me for a while, in person. They typically take 60-90 minutes. If you need me to watch the clock, let me know ahead of time.

Once you have set a date, the spirits begin their work. Read here for how to prepare for a healing ceremony.

To book a session, contact Tasara.

A Healer is a Passage

She creates.
She carves a portal with words and images.
She nails the braces,

makes sure it’s steady
and then gets out of the way.

You may step forward
or you may receive what comes through.

She opens a portal inside herself,
strengthened by her awareness
of the fabric of the worlds,

mundane and cosmic,
her desire for goodness
and the will of the person seeking healing.

She allows for kindness and spirits
to cross here and back
in order to do the work.

Her craft is in the threshold,
the hollow bone
as the unnameable rushes through her.

And then like a dance,
the same unnameable
forms itself into a hollow bone

to entreat her passage
to other realms. 

She is one with all things and beings.
When she smiles, the world smiles with her.
She changes with everything she touches.
Everything she touches changes.

– Tasara